Garage floor coverings sizes

Eventually, you will need and want to cover the floor of your garage and protect the concrete. Then you will notice that there are all kinds of options out there and you are left with an impossible choice. This only looks complicated and impossible. As a matter of fact, choosing the best type and size is a simple task that can be done with a lot of fun. Let’s see the most common sizes and why you need to consider each one.

Garage floor coverings sizes
Garage floor coverings sizes

Ribbed garage floor coverings

This type of coverings is common these days and comes in 4 different sizes. The smallest one is 7-1/2″x17′ and it targets smaller garages where precision is a must and where you need a couple of coverings. The next size is 7-1/2″x20′ and it is used for slightly bigger floors. The next option is 9′x20′ and here we can see that the coverings are almost massive. You will choose them for large garages where you need advanced concrete protection and you need to get the job done as soon as possible. The largest and the king of the ribbed floor coverings are available in the 10′x22′ size and it is the best choice for massive garages. Keep in mind that all 4 types have the same thickness of 0.055 inches due to better floor protection.

Roll out garage floor coverings

Most of you will be perfectly happy with roll-out garage coverings. They are made to be easily installed almost within seconds and to meet any requirement you have. The brand known as BTL is the leader and they have been offering all kinds of coverings, available in different sizes and thickness. At the moment we are interested in the thickness. The standard thickness is 0.055 inches and it is the most affordable, yet the most appealing for some users. Commercial thickness is 0.075 inches and it offers better protection and better insulation. The industrial-grade thickness is 0.085 inches and as you would expect, it is designed for the ultimate protection in industrial garages. Be free to choose any thickness you are comfortable with. Include the overall cost and make sure to get the floor covering that works well for your applications.

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Now is the time to answer a question related to the width and length of the coverings. You can choose between several options. The smallest one is 7.5 feet, then you have 8 and 9 feet while the widest is the 10 feet. The length is something you choose. You can get any length you are comfortable with but keep in mind that the overall width is still limited to 10 feet.

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Coin pattern garage floor covering

This type of covering is also offered by BLT company and they have prepared something special. The thickness is 75 mm which is impressive. You get the same thickness from 18 sheets of copy paper so you can get a better idea of how thick this flooring actually is. The size available is 8×22 but there is more. The company also offers different sizes that are more suitable for you and can be more appealing for different users.

Sizes such as 7.5×17 and 8×22 are smaller and appealing for those who have smaller garages. The thickness is also 75 mm and you should remember this fact, soon you will see why. Sizes such as 9×60 and 10×24 are also available in 75 mm thickness which is the most common. These sizes are known as standard sizes. One more is available and it is 9×44 but here we can see that the thickness is 85 mm which makes it slightly more appealing for those who need added protection. All of these sizes are common and used by millions of homeowners.

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The last part we will have to add regarding the coin pattern floor covering is also linked to the BLT company. They offer additional sizes available. The smallest ones are 7.5×14 and 7.5×20, reserved for smaller and mid-size garages. The bigger options are 7.5×22 which is followed by 9×20 and the biggest, available only in 10×22 dimensions.

You may also be interested to read Polyurea Garage Floor Coating Ultimate Guide.

The final word

You were able to see the most popular and the most common garage floor coverings available today. Now is your time to choose the one you like and you need. Be free to match your requirements according to the size of your garage and the applications you have. After all, it is easy to choose the most suitable floor covering type and to get all the floor protection you will ever need. See more about garage flooring.