Genie ChainLift 800 Review

Here we have the Genie ChainLift 800. This garage door opener is more than just affordable, yet it comes with extraordinary lifespan and quality. In the lack of a better word, you will get a unit which will last as long as you need it and meet most of your requirements. Obviously, there are a lot of additional facts you should know about this model.

Product overview

Let’s start with design. It is standard as with other Genie garage door openers, meaning that it is good-looking. This fact applies to the central console, to the main unit and even the remote controllers. We can deduce that this model will fit perfectly in your home.

The electric motor here has a power of 1/2 HP. This is sufficient to lift garage doors with a total weight of up to 350 pounds, which is impressive. Both metal and wood door can be paired with the unit. The mechanism is based on a chain, but it is relatively quiet. Almost all affordable garage door openers come with chain mechanisms, due to lower manufacturing costs. In general, belt-driven garage door openers are quieter, but also more expensive!

We liked the ChainLift 800 1 2 hp chain drive garage door opener especially due to its quality. It refers to the electric motor, which is the extremely durable unit to the chain mechanism and to accessories. Chances are low that you will experience any complications if you choose this unit. There are a few advantages more, compared to equivalent models, which we will mention later on.

The last, but not least, remote controllers are slim and they look appealing. For modern homeowners, this is probably going to be an important addition.

Product Advantages

Just because it is affordable, it doesn’t mean that the Genie 2022-tc ChainLift 800 doesn’t have plenty of advantages. As a matter of fact, we were impressed with some elements of this model.

  • Efficient electric motor

Almost all electric motors with a power of 1/2 HP can lift up to 300 pounds. This is considered to be a standard at the moment. This one can lift 350 pounds, which is obviously better. The secret is in the electric motor and the chain mechanism.

  • Commercial-grade quality

The reason why this unit is so reliable and durable is in the quality, obviously. The manufacturer used only commercial grade elements, therefore we have chain mechanism and an electric motor which are just great.

  • HomeLink compatible
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Yes, the model we are reviewing here is fully compatible with HomeLink system. You won’t need any additional elements or accessories in order to get this system working. In addition, on the manufacturer’s website, you can get detailed instructions regarding the configuration.

  • Car2U compatible

It may be a rarer system, but Car2U is still popular. Luckily, this model is fully compatible with it as well. Once again, you won’t need any additional accessories to get this feature up and running.

  • GenieSense™

The name refers to a monitoring and diagnosing technology which analyzes the entire system all the time, literally. In a case some issue occurs, the system will stop door opening or closing and alert the homeowner. This protects the garage door, the opener and makes the entire system more reliable

  • Dual-pinion chain system

The chain mechanism used here is based on two pinions, compared to one which is standard nowadays. Overall, the new system is far more reliable, safer to use and it comes with plenty of additional benefits. It is quieter as well.

  • Bright illumination

Each time you get into a garage, the system will activate two light bulbs (60 Watts each) and illuminate your garage, so you don’t have to move at dark. We liked this feature considering the entire system is treated as highly affordable garage door opener.

  • Soft starts and stops

This advantage makes the entire garage door opener quitter and more appealing to own. In essence, it makes door opening and closing much better and more sophisticated.

  • 1-touch limit

Here we have a system which almost eliminates the need of having to climb a ladder and reach the unit. It is standard for more expensive models made by this manufacturer, but now users can enjoy it even in this, more affordable version.

  • Plenty of instructions and videos on the official website

Yes, this is an advantage as well, due to the fact it allows you to get the main idea about the garage door opener easily and without a need for searching the internet for hours.

Product Critique

During our tests, we discovered two issues with the unit. Both of them are not extremely severe and can be explained if we take a look at the price of the model.

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The first downside is the lack of keyless entry. Despite the fact this garage door opener comes with many sophisticated and advanced features, which are common for the high-end model, it lacks keyless entry. We must add that this obviously isn’t a game changer, but keep in mind that there is no this feature support.

The second drawback is the lack of remote control disable the feature. In essence, homeowners won’t be able to disable their remote controller in a case it was lost. Obviously, this is a drawback only if you lose a remote. In addition, there are two remote controllers in the package.

Other than that, we haven’t discovered any additional issues. The garage door opener is well-made, rich in features and it is a decent choice. Some, even more, expensive garage door openers also don’t come with these two features, so the severity of drawback is minor.

Safety and Security

When it comes to safety, the model in question is superb, in the lack of a better word. First, we have the Safe-T-Beam® Non-Contact Reversing System, which is mandatory. Basically, the system uses sensors to scan the area beneath the door. If something is detected, like an object or a child, the system will reverse door closing and protect your child or an object from being trapped beneath the door! Although this type of system is standard at the moment, the one we have here is a bit more sophisticated.

IntelliCode® Access Security System is another safety system we have here. What it does is generates a new code every time a garage door opener is used. This is known as rolling code feature and it has a huge, safety importance. By having this feature, the system is immune to piracy and burglars who will want to crack your code. In other words, nobody will be to open garage door except the owner.

In a nutshell, the Genie ChainLift 800 review has proven that the model here is safe and reliable. Even the most demanding users won’t have any issues with safety ratings of the unit.

Installation and Programing

Here we have good news. Both, installation and programming of the ChainLift 800 are considered as the simplest operations you will have to do. Let’s begin with installation. It is simple and even beginners can complete the task in less than 2 hours. A good thing is the fact Genie ChainLift 800 manual is more than helpful and you can even download plenty of useful, user manuals from the official website.

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Programming is even easier. You can complete this procedure within a matter of minutes. Reading the manual isn’t actually needed.

Overall, installation and programming are great advantages of the model. Even in the case you are going to need Genie ChainLift 800 extension kit, you won’t encounter any complications with these two matters.  That’s why we would recommend it for beginners who need easy-to-install garage door opener.

Warranty and Support

Warranty on the electric motor is 10 years, the same as with high-end garage door openers. Other components get a 1-year warranty, which isn’t superb, but it is a decent time frame.  Luckily, we know that all the elements are well-made and extremely durable, so without an issue, you will be able to get a much longer lifespan of the unit. All Genie ChainLift 800 parts share this advantage.

Support is decent as well. You can contact the support agents at any given moment via the phone or an email. They are very supportive and helpful. In essence, you can get any additional information you want in less than a few hours.

A separate matter which must be mentioned is plenty of manuals and additional instructions available on the official website. You probably can find an answer for your question without a need to contact support. Just in case you do, they will be more than just helpful.


The Genie 2022-TC ChainLift 800 is above the average garage door opener. First of all, it comes with all the features an average user will ever need, but the price is still affordable. Then we have the quality which can be compared to more expensive models and it will be a worthy opponent. The last, but not least is the installation which is simpler than ever. At the end, we can only deduce that this model is perfect for beginners and for homeowners who are looking for affordable, yet durable and feature-rich garage door openers. Be sure to check out also our mega guide to see what is the best residential garage door opener for you.