Things that should not be stored in a garage

There are a lot of articles out there that will help you learn how and what you should store and keep in a garage at all times. But today we are going to look at the other side of the story. What you should not keep in a garage?  The basics here are simple to understand. A garage is a place where you will park your car and where you will keep the tools and equipment you will need at some point. With proper organization, you can maximize the space and boost the storage quantity you have at your disposal. Anyway, let’s see what should not be kept in a garage.

Things That Should not be Stored in a Garage
Things That Should not be Stored in a Garage
  • Food

Food must not be kept in a garage unless you have a fridge here. Here’s why. Food will attract rodents and insects which will probably ruin a thing or two in your garage, including your car. Rodents can damage the wiring and insulation of your care which is a severe issue. The situation is even worse if we know that it will produce a bad odor after some time, which is another problem.

  • Items you use daily

All of us have items and tools that are used daily. Those items should be kept within easy reach at all times and not in a garage. Simply said, you will have to open your garage, go there, find the tool, use it and then put it back in place. There is no need to do all of that when you can simply place the item at a better location where it will be easy to reach at all times. As simple as that.

  • Wine and beverages

We know that wine cellar is a desire of us many but it is completely opposite than your garage. Wine and most other beverages require steady temperature, something that isn’t constant in your garage. When you keep the wine in a garage it will go bad after a short period of time and it will be ruined. This applies to most beverages you are planning to store in your garage. The only exception is when you store it in the refrigerator.

  • Important paintings

Paintings should not be stored in a garage due to the same reasons as with the wine. A garage doesn’t have a constant temperature and humidity levels. This is even worse if we know that sunlight can affect the paintings as well. They will soon be damaged and you will lose precious painting. We were referring to the expensive and rare paintings but the situation is the same for all the paintings you may have.

  • Jewelry

Jewelry is obviously better in the house thanks to the better protection your house has compared to your garage. Some of you will still keep jewelry in a garage and that is fine, but only if you have a state of the art security system. You should avoid keeping it there because burglars target garages first and they will be pleasantly surprised when they find jewelry inside a garage.

  • Important or valuable documents

A garage might be moisture place that will affect the condition of your documents. That’s why they should be kept in a dry place such as a living room or bedroom. You can still keep all the documents in a garage, but just remember that in a case of flood or damage you will lose those documents. They will cost you money to get new ones and they will require a lot of your time.

  • Photos of your family and friends

Although we are referring to the photos of your family and friends, all-important photographs should be kept away from a garage. The reasons are the same as with previous cases. A flood or moisture can ruin the photos and you will lose them forever. Even if you have a photo album, photos of this type are not safe in a garage. In the best-case scenario, you will lose them, probably.

  • Clothing

Clothing can be placed and kept in a garage but isn’t recommended. This is especially important if you are looking for a place to store sensitive pieces of clothing. Moisture, temperature fluctuations, and humidity will ruin the clothing and you will have to replace it. After all, it should be kept in a closet and not in a garage.

  • Furniture made from wood

All furniture made from wood should be kept in a dry place where the temperature is even most of the time. In a garage, the temperature will go up and down all the time. Wood contracts and expands with the temperature changes and will become damaged soon. Add high humidity and you are making the worst possible atmosphere for wooden furniture. If your garage suffers from moisture and floods, avoid keeping steel furniture as well. It will start rusting soon and it will be ruined.

  • Gas tanks

Propane tanks must not be kept in a garage. All of the tanks that contain flammable gas should be kept away from the house. If you keep a tank in the garage and you use a power tool such as grinder, you are at a severe risk or causing an explosion.

  • Paint and filler

Paint is usually linked to fillers of some kind. All the paints require to be stored in a dry and warm room. A garage isn’t such a place so you should keep them far away from the garage. If you still decide to keep paint in a garage, keep in mind that it won’t be usable after a few weeks.

  • Car batteries

Car batteries will lose power when stored in a cold place such as a garage. Long exposure will damage them and you will have to replace it as soon as possible. In addition, the car battery on your car is insulated so this won’t affect it. We should add that this refers to all types of batteries.

See also  Tips for Storing your Shoes in a Garage

The bottom line

A garage isn’t a place where you will dump all the things you don’t need. It is a place where you will keep all the items you need and you are planning to use. Always keep in mind that the garage is suitable for items, tools, belongings and things in general that are immune to temperature fluctuations, moisture, and water. They won’t be damaged regardless of the fact how long you keep them in a garage and wherein a garage you place them. By using this simple guide you are positive that all your items in a garage will be usable and ready when you need them. Simply avoid the aforementioned types of things and you won’t have any complications.